
Infographie - Caution scientifique

axe1 benefices nature sante BAT 1Cette page présente en détail les sources et références utilisées pour l'infographie 'Quels bénéfices attendre de la relation à la nature par la santé?'


(A) Cipriani, J., Benz, A., Holmgren, A., Kinter, D., McGarry, J., & Rufino, G. (2017). A systematic review of the effects of horticultural therapy on persons with mental health conditions. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 33(1), 47‑69.

(B) Howarth, M., Brettle, A., Hardman, M., & Maden, M. (2020). What is the evidence for the impact of gardens and gardening on health and well-being : a scoping review and evidence-based logic model to guide healthcare strategy decision making on the use of gardening approaches as a social prescription. BMJ Open, 10(7), e036923.

(C) Kamioka, H., Tsutani, K., Yamada, M., Park, H., Okuizumi, H., Honda, T., Okada, S., Park, S., Kitayuguchi, J., Abe, T., Handa, S., & Mutoh, Y. (2014). Effectiveness of horticultural therapy: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 22(5), 930‑943.

(D) Nilsson, K., Bentsen, P., Grahn, P., & Mygind, L. (2019). De quelles preuves scientifiques disposons-nous concernant les effets des forêts et des arbres sur la santé et le bien-être humains ? Santé Publique, S1(HS1), 219‑240.

(E) Wang, Z., Zhang, Y., Lu, S., Tan, L., Guo, W., Lown, M., Hu, X., & Liu, J. (2022). Horticultural therapy for general health in the older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS One, 17(2), e0263598.

(F) Lu, S., Zhao, Y., Liu, J., Xu, F., & Wang, Z. (2021). Effectiveness of horticultural therapy in people with schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 964.

(G) Park, S., Lee, A., Son, K., Lee, W., & Kim, D. (2016). Gardening intervention for physical and psychological health benefits in elderly women at community centers. HortTechnology, 26(4), 474‑483.

(H) Nicklett, E. J., Anderson, L. A., & Yen, I. H. (2014). Gardening activities and physical health among older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 35(6), 678‑690.

(I) De Rui, M., Toffanello, E. D., Veronese, N., Zambon, S., Bolzetta, F., Sartori, L., Musacchio, E., Corti, M. C., Baggio, G., Crepaldi, G., Perissinotto, E., Manzato, E., & Sergi, G. (2014). Vitamin D deficiency and leisure time activities in the elderly: Are all pastimes the same? PLOS One, 9(4), e94805.

(J) Kuo, M. (2015). How might contact with nature promote human health? Promising mechanisms and a possible central pathway. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.

(K) Tournier, I., & Postal, V. (2014). An integrative model of the psychological benefits of gardening in older adults. Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 12(4), 424‑431.

(L) Zhao, Y., Liu, Y., & Wang, Z. (2020). Effectiveness of horticultural therapy in people with dementia: A quantitative systematic review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 31(13‑14), 1983‑1997.

(M) Bernez, L., Batt, M., Yzoard, M., Jacob, C., Trognon, A., Verhaegen, F., Danan, J., Fescharek, R., & Jonveaux, T. R. (2018). Jardin thérapeutique, outil de prévention du burnout. Psychologie Française, 63(1), 73‑93.

(N) Tu, H., & Chiu, P. (2020). Meta-analysis of controlled trials testing horticultural therapy for the improvement of cognitive function. Scientific Reports, 10(1).


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