
Bibliographie ouvrages internationaux

Therapeutic landscapes Cooper and Sachs couv


Therapeutic Landscape, an evidence-based approach to designing healing gardens and restorative outdoor spaces
Clare Cooper Marcus et Naomi Sachs (2014) WILEY

Therapeutic landscapes Cooper and Sachs 4e de couv

Therapeutic gardens design for healing spaces Winterbottom et Wagenfeld couv


Therapeutic gardens, design for healing spaces
Daniel Winterbottom et Amy Wagenfeld (2015) TIMBER PRESS

Therapeutic gardens design for healing spaces Winterbottom et Wagenfeld 4e de couv

Health spaces hospital outdoor environment Giofrè et Dukanovic Couv



Health spaces, hospital outdoor environment
Francesca Giofrè et Zoran Dukanovic (2015) TESIS Inter University of Florence




Designing outdoor spaces for people with dementia Pollock et Marshall Couv



Designing outdoor spaces for people with dementia
Annie Pollock et Mary Marshall (2012) University of Stirling




The profession and practice of horticultural therapy Haller Kennedy et Capra COUV



The profession and practice of horticultural therapy
Rebecca L. Haller, Karen L. Kennedy, Christine L.Capra (2019) CRC PRESS




Horticultural Therapy Methods making connections in health care human service and community programs Haller et Kramer COUV



Horticultural Therapy Methods, making connections in health care, human service and community programs
Rebecca L. Haller, Christine L. Kramer (2006) THE HARWORTH PRESS




Horticulture as therapy principles and practice Simson et Strauss Couv



Horticulture as therapy, principles and practice
Sharon P. Simson, Martha C. Strauss (2003) THE HAWORTH PRESS




Growing with gardening a twelve month guide for therapy recreation education Moore Couv



Growing with gardening, a twelve-month guide for therapy, recreation & education




Gardening for the senses gardening as therapy Bruce Couv



Gardening for the senses, gardening as therapy
Hanck Bruce (2013)




Ecotherapy Theory research and practice Jordan et Hinds Couv



Ecotherapy Theory, research and practice
Martin Jordan and Joe Hinds (2016) PALGRAVE




Birthright People and Nature in the modern world Kellert COUV


Birthright, People and Nature in the modern world
Stephen R. Kellert (2012) YALE

Birthright People and Nature in the modern world Kellert 4e de Couv

With people in mind design and management of everyday Nature Kaplan Kaplan et Ryan COUV



With people in mind, design and management of everyday Nature
Rachel Kaplan, Stephen Kaplan et Robert L. Ryan (1998) ISLAND PRESS




The nature principle human restoration and the end of nature deficit disorder Louv COUV



The nature principle, human restoration and the end of nature-deficit disorder




The Biophilia hypothesis Kellert et Wilson COUV


The Biophilia hypothesis
Stephen R. Kellert and Edward O. Wilson (1993) ISLAND PRESS

The Biophilia hypothesis Kellert et Wilson 4e de COUV

La réalisation de soi écologie profonde Arne Naess traduit par Pierre Madelin 2017 COUV


La réalisation de soi, écologie profonde
Arne Naess traduit par Pierre Madelin (2017) WILD PROJECT

ATTENTION, le titre trouvé est « La réalisation de soi, Spinoza, le bouddhisme et l'écologie profonde: Suivi de "L'expérience du monde" »